I want to buy a program in english and theory test..

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I want to buy a program in english and theory test..

I want to buy a program in english and theory test as well. What is included in the program? What will I learn etc? Is the safety test included in the program? Rules and everything or what is included? And the theory test, are they going to be the same questions or are they different questions each time I take a new test, and how many test are there?

The english driving theory account includes more than 1000 driving theory questions, tests, exercises, road signs and end tests. Each time a new test is started there will be new questions that is gathered from the programs query database. The account is valid for 6 months and can be used unlimited during the period. The price for the account is 279 SEK. For more information about the English driving theory please see more at:
driving theory

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